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Built in 1937 by Theodore Rodgers. Mr. Rodgers was a textile manufacturer from Philadelphia, PA who specialized in socks. His mill was nearby and later became Knight MFG. The architect who designed the house was Mr. Lindsey M. Gudger, on 52 Carter St. Asheville, NC. The home remained the Rodgers residence and was eventually purchased by their son Mr. Al Rodgers sometime in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s. Mr. Rodgers maintained his residence here until about 1970 when it was rented by several different businesses and then was left vacant.

In January 1977 Dr. Gottfried started practicing in the medical building nearby at 1425 Patton Ave. He had been driving past the property for several years and thought it would make a great office space. Finally in 1980 he met with Mr. Rodgers and took a serious look at the property. The grass on the yard was about 3 feet tall, trees were grown up totally obscuring it from Patton Avenue. There were leaks in the roof, broken pipes and bad wiring etc. Dr. Gottfried is an optimist and began to plan how he could make the building into an office. While the office appears quite grand from Patton Avenue, in it’s original state most of it was only 16 feet deep and there were 2 large open porches, one facing Patton Avenue and the other on the South end of the house.

It was when Dr. Gottfried considered closing in the porches that he began to see the possibilities and an agreement with Mr. Rodgers was reached. Dr. Gottfried moved his office into the old house in October of 1980. Later that year he started the renovation of the second floor and the attic to accommodate his family of four. The family joke is that they had “temporarily” moved into the upper part of the house in 1981, but somehow ended up staying there for almost 16 years! In 1990 they added the portion of the house that is now the reception area for the dental office. We have made numerous changes to the house as our practice has grown, but it still maintains it’s unique character.

​All this rich history makes this dental office unique beyond just its architecture.